MarvelsourceOT: Tip of the day… “Use Bubbles!”

As an OT that works with children in pre-K settings, I often find that one of my most handy tools to carry is, not my crayons, scissors, or construction paper, buy yes, my bubble wand!! Those other things are important too, however, nothing has worked more effectively at building rapport with an anxious student, or regulating a highly energized child, by having him take deep breaths to blow the bubbles. Bubbles, also creates a space where the child is free of cognitive demand, and can allow for great “breathers” in-between cognitive tasks.

Another great use of bubbles, that have proven to be most helpful for me (as well as many of my colleagues) have been to incorporate it during transitions! Many children have difficulty with transitioning between tasks, or even spaces, without major breakdowns. Having a child follow your trail of bubbles being blown towards an exit or towards an area that they are expected to go to, is nothing short of priceless! Go on try for yourself! When you do, I won’t say I told you so. Just comeback and thank me later, lol 😉

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