I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably wondering , “what on earth is the upside down clothes-pin method 🤷!?
Simply put, it’s the MarvelsourceOT way of using clothespins for OT!
Most people use it this way….
However if you encourage the MarvelsourceOT upside down way, you would really be doing yourself and your students a great deed!
Here’s why?
MarvelsourceOT way promotes the following:
1.Wrist extension– since wrist has to be bent back in order to incorporate successfully.
2.Pincer grasp isolation- since the “MarvelsourceOT upsidedown clothes-method” emphasises use of 2 “squeezer fingers” ( thumb and index finger/ 2 point pinch grasp) for it to work effectively
3.Utensil laying down on webspace- webspace (the part of one’s hand between your thumb and your index finger (yes, that flab that most people probably think is just for keeping your thumb and your pointer finger connected together) serves as a stabilizer for utencils (such as markers, pencils, crayons) while writing. The MarvelsourceOT upside-down clothes-pin method provides “practice” with using the webspace as an anchor/stabilizer🙂🙂!
4.True tripod grasp: since tripod grasp requires wrist extension, pincer grasp incorporation, as well as writing utensil laying onto webspace, to truly be used effectively!🙂🙂🙂
P.s. : This this method also promotes
Finger strengthening- via clothes pins resistance
Visual motor coordination – in order to pick up small objects and release it into destination using the clothespin ( i.e placing them in a container).
Now, the next time you want to use a clothes-pin to support fine motor skills, don’t just use it the old fashion way or the way everyone else is. Use it the MarvelsourceOT way. When you’re asked by onlookers where did you get that idea, just smile and say ” where else, “MarvelsourceOT duh, lol 😉 !”
Always best to use this method with plastic clothes pins, as the wooden ones will be too resistive and difficult especially for young children (i.e preschoolers).
Also, provide adult supervision while child is engaging with the clothes pins so as to promote safety and correct therapeutic use.