MarvelsourceOT New worksheet alert: “water trace with markers and A Q-TIP” series

Did you know you can use a Q-tip to practice with tracing skills?

Did you know if you don’t have water paint available, you can make your own using markers?!!

Here are worksheet templates which will allow you to do just that 🙂

Grown up, take a marker to trace vertical line patterns, then have child take a q-tip (yes, a Q-tip), dipped in a small amount of water, to trace along the marker lines. Your child who has difficulty tracing with writing utensils will have fun tracing this way 🙂

Now, what are you waiting for? 🙂 Go ahead, download, and try it 🙂

OT skills: tripod grasping, visual motor (tracing), visual perceptual (image recognition), sensory (water and visual colors)

(Bonus skills : cutting and pasting :))

Have a Blessed day 🙂